Low Budget Family Fun Day Ideas for all US Families

Barbara Merkley
Low Budget Family Fun Day Ideas for all US Families

Happiness is found in the little things. Anybody can have a fun day or ice cream, rollercoaster rides, and shopping all in one place. The idea is to go to a flea market. Yes, hundreds of thousands of people already do this. But this article is for those who have not explored this idea.

Things to Do at a Flea Market

Those who have never been to a flea market tend to think they are just thrift stores or garage sales. But a flea market is a lot bigger and more fun than that. Those who want to find out what it is like need to stop reading. It will be a pleasant surprise to look at a flea market in all its glory for the first time. Those who would rather go in knowing what to expect can keep reading.

A flea market is not only a place to buy second-hand homeware. Here are things a flea market offers.

Food Stalls

A flea market has many food stalls that sell corndogs, donuts, ice cream, sandwiches, baked goods, and various other fun day foods. A popular flea market will have reputed food stall owners to make sure every stall has quality food.

Fresh Produce

This does not count as food stalls because they are groceries. Flea market groceries offer organic produce at low prices because farmers get to sell directly. Fresh fruits, vegetables, fresh poultry, and fresh seafood are up for grabs. Flea market grocery stores not only save money but also offer fresher and organic ingredients.

Fun Rides

Children love flea markets because of all the rides. They don’t need convincing to tag along. They know they will get merry-go-round, dragon coaster, and rollercoaster rides all day long. There are also rides like the pony and teacup for much younger kids. Of course, flea market rides don’t only attract children. Grownups love them just as much.


Flea markets don’t only sell household items of necessity. They have quite a collection of pretty jewelry. They also have bags and shoes and not all of it is second-hand. It does take some time to browse through the collection to find nice things. But people who look hard enough always find something worth all the effort of looking through everything.

Artwork and Antiquities

There’s nothing better than genuine art straight from the artist. It takes a creative pair of eyes to find the right things for the home. People who don’t like to have a fixed aesthetic love flea market artwork. A myriad of pretty antiquities and artwork can give the home a warm, eclectic aura.

These are just some of the attractions of a flea market. The fun of flea markets is not limited to rollercoaster rides and corndogs. There are old music systems, old records, vintage clothes, and much more to find here that cannot be found anywhere else.

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