10 pro tips for wildlife photography: Take amazing birds of prey pictures

Barbara Merkley

Wildlife photography is tough, requiring commitment, patience, research, skill and a good dose of luck. Despite the trials and tribulations, though, it’s undoubtedly one of the most rewarding genres photography has to offer. 

There’s no better feeling than when you finally manage to capture an incredible majestic animal, looking in the right direction when the light is just perfect and you’ve got your camera settings honed in. We caught up with professional wildlife photographer Sean Weekly to get his advice when starting out.

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Music for the soul: why classical music outlasts oblivion

Classical music does more than just soothe the soul. It tells a story that, upon first listen, can seem so far removed from our own. That’s where the beauty of it can be found; in the trickery. Classical music tricks you into thinking it’s telling a story that isn’t yours […]
Music for the soul: why classical music outlasts oblivion

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